We must not only be hearers of The Word but doers as well. The BCF Fit Program enhances your Christian lifestyle by providing accountability for your wellness. The program is also a community builder as it encourages ministry-wide engagement and interaction. As each member becomes healthier the overall ministry becomes healthier. We strongly believe that if you practice healthy habits, you will be able to obtain a healthy lifestyle.
Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? (1 Cor. 3:16) With this truth in mind we offer a lifestyle wellness plan that offers:
A professionally developed 6-day/week training program
Home-based format designed for beginner & intermediate levels
Online accessibility 24/7/365 via smartphone, tablet, or computer
Our professional online wellness program is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by computer and smart devices (including both Apple and Android) interfaces.
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BCF Fit Fundraiser
A Special Opportunity to Partner with Bethesda Christian Fellowship
BCF Fit is a charter Temple Builders affiliate ministry partner. BASES Ministries partners with churches and ministries in an effort to spread the gospel of health while contributing to each partnering ministry.
BCF Fit will receive a monthly fundraising offering in appreciation for promoting health and wellness. Each member, community supporter, and participant that registers for the BCF Fit program will gain a professional training service while simultaneously contributing financially.
The Light of the World
The ministry of health is one all can participate in. Let your light so shine through your health, that others will see, and seek to know your God.
A Place of Hope and Healing
We believe in healing but we must be faithful stewards as well. Now is the season of healing. Become a BCF Fit Temple Builder.
Connect with us, and allow us to serve you. Together we can figure out the best way for us to support you in attaining your wellness goals.